
Athenos Feta Cheese, Chunks, Traditional, in Brine |
About The Charts and Nutrition Facts
- For accuracy, the calorie chart and fat chart are based on the biggest serving size available.
- These nutrition facts came directly from the USDA or manufacturer/restaurant.
- If you're using a calorie counter, remember that Fat, Carbs, and Protein calories are just close estimations based on the Atwater factors:
Fat: 9 cal/g Carb: 4 cal/g Protein: 4 cal/g
- Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Please remember this when using this information to make healthy food choices for your diet.
Calories - One serving has a total Calorie count of 80 Calories. This breaks down as 50 Calories from Fat, 0 Calories from Carbohydrate, and 24 Calories from Protein. See the calorie chart below.
*Fat/Carb/Pro calories based on the Atwater (9/4/4) calculations.
Fat - One serving of this size contains 6 grams of total Fat. There can be several types of Fat in each food. In this case 3.5 grams are from Saturated Fat, there are 0 grams of Trans Fat, and there are 2.5 grams left over.
Cholesterol - The amount of Cholesterol in one serving is 20 mg.
Carbohydrates - This food has 0 Carbs, which means it also has no Fiber and 0 grams of Sugar.
Protein - There are 6 grams of Protein in each serving of this food.
Minerals - At this serving size Calcium is 80 mg, however this food doesn't contain a significant amount of Iron. In addition, this serving size contains 330 mg of Sodium.
Vitamins - You'll benefit from the Vitamin A in this food, but it is not a significant source of Vitamin C. There are 300 International Units of Vitamin A in each serving. |
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