
Babyfood, Cereal, Rice, with Bananas, Prep w/Whole Milk |
About The Charts and Nutrition Facts
- For accuracy, the calorie chart and fat chart are based on the biggest serving size available.
- These nutrition facts came directly from the USDA or manufacturer/restaurant.
- If you're using a calorie counter, remember that Fat, Carbs, and Protein calories are just close estimations based on the Atwater factors:
Fat: 9 cal/g Carb: 4 cal/g Protein: 4 cal/g
- Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Please remember this when using this information to make healthy food choices for your diet.
Calories - Total Calorie count at this serving size: 33 Calories. The calorie chart below shows the breakdown for Fat, Carbs, and Protein. In this case, Calories from Fat = 9, Calories from Protein = 5, and Calories from Carbohydrate = 19.
Fat - One serving has 0.99 grams of Total Fat. This is made up of 0.64 grams of Saturated Fat and unfortunately the Trans Fat amount was not listed for this food. The rest of the Fat (0.35 grams) is unaccounted for.
Cholesterol - One serving has 3.12 mg of Cholesterol.
Carbohydrates - For this food, the total Carbohydrate count is 4.82 grams, the Sugar content is unknown (it was not provided), and 0.06 grams of Fiber. There are 4.8 Net Carbs per serving (total Carbs minus Fiber), which is good to know if you are watching your blood sugar or on a low carb diet.
Protein - At this serving size you'll get 1.19 grams of Protein per serving.
Minerals - At this serving size Calcium is 60.39 mg and Iron is 3.13 mg. In addition, this food has 71.73 mg of Potassium and 16.16 mg of Sodium in each serving.
Vitamins - This food has both Vitamin A and Vitamin C. One serving contains 28.35 International Units of Vitamin A and 0.31 mg of Vitamin C. |
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